Aug 22, 2009

First Ticket = (

Last night, I got a ticket. 
It was my FIRST ticket
Sad part is...
it was for not stopping
at a STOP SIGN!!

I've always been extra cautious at stop signs since my dad received a pricy ticket for not coming to a COMPLETE stop.  It was a Y-intersection where 2 main streets merged into one -- I don't understand why they do not have  yield/merge sign instead, it would be much more efficient in traffic flow!!!! 

 My perfect driving record is now stained by a violation for "failing to obey traffic control device." So instead of going out and partying with my friends, I stayed home and went to bed early.  It sucked.  : ( 

 This morning I woke up early and decided that I was gonna run the seawall.   I've never ran the whole wall before, but I was still mad about my ticket + it is on my summer to do list.  So why not? 

For those who know me, I am not a out-door runner. I run well on a treadmill that pushes me to continue, or else I will land flat on my face with a big fat rubber burn -- Running outside is a whole different story.  I've done chunks of stanley park, but never seem to run the whole 9.0 km in one go.  I gotta admit, for a treadmill runner, there were numerous times that I wanted to just stop and walk.  But 65 minutes later,  it was the best feeling ever. 

A beautiful saturday morning, along the walls that separate you from the endless ocean -- a breath taking view.  It was perfect. It made me realized how much I love this city.  Im glad I went for my run. : )