Aug 31, 2009

Last Day of Summer

August 31st.

I cant believe it. It's the last day of august already. This summer really flew by!

The last day of exams - marking the first day of summer holidays with Vegas, couldn't of been any better. And I guess it just started too roll from there.

It just hit me that in less than a week I'm back to old granny mode - school. The thoughts alone makes me sad... the clouds, the fog, the rain, the SNOW! >=(

I ended my august with one last summer run along the sunset beach, english bay, 3rd beach, 2nd beach and along the walls of Stanley Park. Every time I run along the seawall it never disappoints -- always breath taking. I love running there.

(Last day of Aug's Sun Set -- End of Summer 09 )

It starts off strong, followed by a little patch of tiredness, but once you pass that point its amazing how good you feel, even after 10km. Your legs feel lighter, you're lighter , you stand up straighter and your lungs feel like they are maximizing every breath you inhale.

I cant believe after 4 month of summer I actually enjoy running outside (finally). Well, I guess now I'll have to see how well I can handle the treadmill for the next 8 months. = (

(A Random Summer night - where we laughed so hard that my bed broke LMAO)

Bye bye summer. : (