Aug 31, 2009

Last Day of Summer

August 31st.

I cant believe it. It's the last day of august already. This summer really flew by!

The last day of exams - marking the first day of summer holidays with Vegas, couldn't of been any better. And I guess it just started too roll from there.

It just hit me that in less than a week I'm back to old granny mode - school. The thoughts alone makes me sad... the clouds, the fog, the rain, the SNOW! >=(

I ended my august with one last summer run along the sunset beach, english bay, 3rd beach, 2nd beach and along the walls of Stanley Park. Every time I run along the seawall it never disappoints -- always breath taking. I love running there.

(Last day of Aug's Sun Set -- End of Summer 09 )

It starts off strong, followed by a little patch of tiredness, but once you pass that point its amazing how good you feel, even after 10km. Your legs feel lighter, you're lighter , you stand up straighter and your lungs feel like they are maximizing every breath you inhale.

I cant believe after 4 month of summer I actually enjoy running outside (finally). Well, I guess now I'll have to see how well I can handle the treadmill for the next 8 months. = (

(A Random Summer night - where we laughed so hard that my bed broke LMAO)

Bye bye summer. : (

Aug 22, 2009

First Ticket = (

Last night, I got a ticket. 
It was my FIRST ticket
Sad part is...
it was for not stopping
at a STOP SIGN!!

I've always been extra cautious at stop signs since my dad received a pricy ticket for not coming to a COMPLETE stop.  It was a Y-intersection where 2 main streets merged into one -- I don't understand why they do not have  yield/merge sign instead, it would be much more efficient in traffic flow!!!! 

 My perfect driving record is now stained by a violation for "failing to obey traffic control device." So instead of going out and partying with my friends, I stayed home and went to bed early.  It sucked.  : ( 

 This morning I woke up early and decided that I was gonna run the seawall.   I've never ran the whole wall before, but I was still mad about my ticket + it is on my summer to do list.  So why not? 

For those who know me, I am not a out-door runner. I run well on a treadmill that pushes me to continue, or else I will land flat on my face with a big fat rubber burn -- Running outside is a whole different story.  I've done chunks of stanley park, but never seem to run the whole 9.0 km in one go.  I gotta admit, for a treadmill runner, there were numerous times that I wanted to just stop and walk.  But 65 minutes later,  it was the best feeling ever. 

A beautiful saturday morning, along the walls that separate you from the endless ocean -- a breath taking view.  It was perfect. It made me realized how much I love this city.  Im glad I went for my run. : ) 

Aug 11, 2009

Mmmmm : )

Last night my friend and I went to eat at one of my favorite restaurants. I go there for all occasions; night out with the girls, random hungry nights and even dates. Haha -- truly shows how much I love that place.  Well, last night I decided to go with a friend, it was his last meal in Vancouver so it was a must.  First he was alright with going there, until he heard one of  his buddies said it was really bad!!>=( !!  Either way, I convinced him to go, and he actually loved it. Now, every time he comes visits he'll probably end up eating there - at least once.

It made me realized how much I love vancouver; the food, the people, the scenery, the beaches and even (sometimes) the rain.  [for those who know me, I'm usually not a huge fan of rain, to a point where I would just roll around in bed all day and refuse to get up :(  ]

I have a tendency to convert people towards things I like -- especially when it comes to things... such as blackberries.  If you are not currently a BB user, hang out with me for a week and I guaranteed you will want/get one by the time I'm done.  Beware heheh :)  Well, what can I say, this is what I do best - Sell a product, why else would I still be employed? =P Anyways Im glad he enjoyed his dinner. Mission accomplished = ) 

My coffee cup today was another fail, but a friend came across this one twice and I really like it so I'm gonna steal it =)

The way I see it #21 
People need to see that , far from being an obstacle the world's diversity of languages religions and traditions is a great treasure, affording us precious opportunities to recognize ourselves in others.

Ps. Happy 21st  KY. 

Study study - Last day!!  

Aug 10, 2009

Sunday Nights at GSMs

Aritzia. Most girls would be going crazy by now, just hearing the name A.R.I.T.Z.I.A.   Last night I attended the Aritzia event of the year.  Every employee looks forward to this highlight event that only comes around once every 6 months --- the Aritzia general staff meeting - GSM- for short. Its a evening that gets every style muse out on a hunt for THE outfit.  A outfit that has to be unique and stylish among all the stylista's Aritzia employees and, not only that it has to be non-Aritzia. So basically it is pretty impossible.  As a employee of almost five years - coming November, I have almost given up the same kind of excitement my fellow co-workers experience. Don't get me wrong though - I still look forward to the event.  I mean who would mind going to a fashion show with 200 good looking -well dressed girls, good appetizers, free gifts, and on top of that you get paid to be there!  

Every year they try to make the GSM a little different, this year they changed the location.  So, instead of heading down to the usual Rocky Mountain Station for the past...5? GSM we arrived at the Vogue Theater on Granville. A little smaller, but it had a cute little old-school-movie star- red carpet feel to it.    = ) 

We also had some special guests; like Jillian from the Bachelorette and the President of VANOC 2010.  On top of all that, Aritzia's VP also announced the new position that will be implementing for coming season.  Its called "SS" - its in quotations like that because the full name sounds like a joke - so I'm just going to refer it to as "SS" =)

This position has been in the making for the past year but, to me it feels more like the past four years.  Last year the VP approached me and discussed how she will be basically making a tailored position for me and the few others who are in the same boat. People who are in the top 10% of sales but only working part-time - more like 8 hrs for me! =P lol.  Well finally "SS" is coming out in September and I'm proud to say I get to be one of the first.  It's weird how I don't feel as happy as I thought I would be.   Maybe its the fact that I waited so long for this I don't even want it like I use to, or maybe it just hasn't hit me yet? I guess I will see in a few weeks when I know! = ) So stay tuned. 

A couple of days ago I was grabbing coffee when I realized they came out with this new mini starbucks card! I immediately swap my existing card for this cute little green one that can be attached to my keys. I thought I would share it with all you guys so you can go check it out too - but you probably wont get as excited as me  = P but its cute so you should get it anyways. Back to studying = ( ! 

The Way I see it #198 
You can shower a child with presents or money, but what do they really mean, compared to the most valuable gift of all -- your time? Vacations and special events are nice, but so often the best moments are the spontaneous ones.  Being there. Every moment you spend with your child could be the one that really matters. 

Aug. 10.**Happy Birthday Sister <3**

Aug 6, 2009

Coffee Coffee

Today I had a meeting with a few CAC executives.  We talked about my first event that was held last sunday and my role as External Director.  Somehow my fellow colleagues ended up asking how old I am, so I responded: "I'm 20 this year!! =) ".  As expected; a moment of silence, then followed by: "what?! So... you're only 19?!?!"  As a December baby, I always end up being the baby of the group.  But what the weirdest part was how he concluded with a line: "Hmm, you're only 19!? I thought you were 22-23. Now I have to treat you differently."

Its funny how people always predetermine you age by how you look and act, but once you tell them a number that doesn't match what they had in mind - everything changes.

I gotta admit, before this I always believed that everyone should be like this or have that at that age.  But I've come to realized that if life was like that everyone would have the same life story and no one would be interesting. No would be shocked at  my age, or be interested to even know lol, this could be a topic of discussion for hours! But it's getting late and I should get some sleep.  It was just something i had on my mind.  Anyways here is the -Way I see it - that I came across today, and twice yesterday! (Good Indication that I drink to much coffee) But I thought I would share: 

The Way I See it # 286 
Hypocrisy is annoying but not evil. Someone who says one thing and does another has doubled their chances of being half Right. 

Summer Fun = )

Only a few weeks left of summer... = ( So before it ends I want finish my check list = ) 

[X] Travel!!
(x) Vegas...<3 

(x) Visit mama and papa Chan = ) 
(  ) Mexico/Cuba
(x) Vancouver Island 

(  ) California --> FAIL >=( 
[X] Use my cute Roller blades for the 2nd time! 
[X] Rent a bike at the SeaWall 
[  ] Boating 
[X] Grouse Grind
[X] Second Beach's Outdoor Pool 
[X] Run the Entire SeaWall.  - 8/21/ 2009 

(x) Today I ran parts of it!! = ) ....taking it one step at a time. eventually I'll get it! 
[X] Celebration of Lights
[  ] Rent a Scooter! 
[  ] Go Camping!!!! ** I really want to go camping!! Someone pls come : ( 
[  ] Beach Volley Ball 
[X] Road Trip! - anywhere!! The states? Around BC? 
[X] Beach + Sun + tanning 
[  ] Ice Skating at the Oval .... been wanting to go since... January?! 
[  ] Aquarium